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 FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm

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Arizona Harper-Duval

Arizona Harper-Duval
and all the devils are here


Date d'inscription : 15/09/2016
Messages : 968
Pseudo : Luluche
Avatar : Sophia Bush
Orientation sexuelle : Bisexuel(le)
Situation sentimentale : En Couple

FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm   FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 EmptyMer 20 Sep 2017 - 1:52

Bien sûr ma belle, je te laisse encore trois jours et si tu as besoin de plus n'hésite pas FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 889785150
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Florence Adamson

Florence Adamson
and all the devils are here

Date d'inscription : 09/09/2017
Messages : 16
Pseudo : Krimson
Avatar : Lili Reinhart
Orientation sexuelle : Confus(e)
Situation sentimentale : Célibataire

FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm   FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 EmptyJeu 21 Sep 2017 - 11:22

Merci beaucoup ! FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 2033325312

Bon au final j'ai pu terminer aujourd'hui, on sent la personne qui maîtrise son emploi du temps FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 3503326208 FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 3503326208
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Talya S. Adams

Talya S. Adams
and all the devils are here

https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t225-talya-i-m-not-god-but https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1206-talya-look-into-my-eyes-it-s-where-my-demons-hide https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t292-talya-s-adams-213-555-5555 https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t289-adams-talya-tadams https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t291-adams-talya-tadams
Date d'inscription : 28/08/2016
Messages : 109
Pseudo : Gatou
Avatar : Shay Mitchell
Orientation sexuelle : Homosexuel(le)
Situation sentimentale : Célibataire

FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm   FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 EmptyVen 22 Sep 2017 - 9:50

Hello miss FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 2033325312
Très bon choix d'avatar FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 3305873184 évidemment tu peux terminer ta fiche un peu plus tard, pas de souci, IRL avant tout FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 1498042908
Bienvenue et bon courage pour la suite de ta fiche alors !
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Jack Won

Jack Won
and all the devils are here

https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1666-jack-won-use-your-im https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1668-jack-won-so-i-chained-myself-to-a-friend https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1669-jack-won-213-667-1421 https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1667-jack-won-jwon
Date d'inscription : 27/07/2017
Messages : 52
Pseudo : Nasty / Alex
Avatar : Min YoonGi / Suga
Orientation sexuelle : Pansexuel(le)
Situation sentimentale : Célibataire

FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm   FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 EmptyVen 22 Sep 2017 - 20:18

Bienvenue sur LAPD en retard FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 933260333 mais la lecture de ta fiche était super intéressante. En particulier l'histoire, elle est tellement attendrissante la petite Florence FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 1498042908 FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 2539792916
T'as oublié deux réponses dans la case perfect disorder mais on t'aime quand même
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Florence Adamson

Florence Adamson
and all the devils are here

Date d'inscription : 09/09/2017
Messages : 16
Pseudo : Krimson
Avatar : Lili Reinhart
Orientation sexuelle : Confus(e)
Situation sentimentale : Célibataire

FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm   FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 EmptyVen 22 Sep 2017 - 20:44

Jack Won a écrit:
Bienvenue sur LAPD en retard FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 933260333 mais la lecture de ta fiche était super intéressante. En particulier l'histoire, elle est tellement attendrissante la petite Florence FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 1498042908 FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 2539792916
T'as oublié deux réponses dans la case perfect disorder mais on t'aime quand même

Je peux te retourner le compliment il est tout abîmé ce Jack FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 1797869442 Et super chou omg je connaissais pas l'avatar mais j'adore FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 3305873184
Et merci pour les deux questions j'avais pas vu ! FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 53822880

Merci pour votre accueil en tout cas je sens que je vais me plaire ici FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 879837853
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Liam Moretti

Liam Moretti
and all the devils are here

https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1155-liam-you-can-be-alic https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1183-liam-kill-me-if-you-dare https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1217-liam-moretti-213-963-7292#23978 https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1185-liam-moretti-mr-lucky
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2017
Messages : 411
Pseudo : Blue Velvet
Avatar : James Franco
Orientation sexuelle : Altersexuel(le)
Situation sentimentale : Célibataire

FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm   FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 EmptySam 23 Sep 2017 - 1:02

La belle Lili FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 1498042908
Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche ! FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 2033325312
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Arizona Harper-Duval

Arizona Harper-Duval
and all the devils are here


Date d'inscription : 15/09/2016
Messages : 968
Pseudo : Luluche
Avatar : Sophia Bush
Orientation sexuelle : Bisexuel(le)
Situation sentimentale : En Couple

FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm   FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 EmptySam 23 Sep 2017 - 16:39

Welcome to los angeles
don't worry baby
admin référent : Felix
My thoughts J'adore ton histoire et le coté petite fille sage que tu donnes à ton personnage sans forcément en fait une jeune femme fragile ! Si tu as besoin d'aide pour connaitre ton orientation sexuelle, je peux t'aider hein FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 3503326208
Bienvenue à ma maison en tout cas FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 889785150
Welcome ! La validation de ta fiche marque officiellement ton entrée dans la famille LAPDienne. Toutes nos félicitations ! Nous sommes certains que tu passeras un excellent séjour parmi nous et que tu trouveras rapidement ta place au sein de notre communauté. Pour t'aider, voici une petite liste de liens utiles qui devrait te permettre de trouver tous les sujets importants pour bien commencer ton aventure.

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Sur ce, nous te souhaitons un excellent séjour parmi nous, enrichi par des sujets passionnants et des rencontres inoubliables,

Le staff
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and all the devils are here

FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm - Page 2 Empty
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FLORENCE ▶ We can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm

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but all the devils are here