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 OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?

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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 EmptyDim 25 Sep 2016 - 17:22

Bienvenue !
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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 EmptyDim 25 Sep 2016 - 19:55

Bienvenue parmi nous, tu as fait un choix d'avatar hyper intéressant et j'ai tellement hâte d'en savoir plus sur ton personnage ! :excited:
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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 EmptyDim 25 Sep 2016 - 20:17

Bienvenue parmi nous OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 3159414034
Good luck pour ta fiche OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 2687106536
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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 EmptyLun 26 Sep 2016 - 11:44

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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 EmptyLun 26 Sep 2016 - 12:12

TROP DE FOLIE :ouloulou:

Bienvenue sur LAPD ! OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 3618937294 courage pour ta fiche et surtout n'hésite pas à contacter le staff en cas de besoin ! OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 549143784 Super choix, j'ai hâte de voir ce que vous nous préparez avec vos deux personnages. OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 772520473
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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 EmptyLun 26 Sep 2016 - 13:51

Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche :heart:
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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 EmptyMar 27 Sep 2016 - 19:00

Idris, mon dieu. J'ai tant attendu de le retrouver sur un fofo celui-là ! OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 1865705636 OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 2169355921
Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche ! OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 879837853
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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 EmptyMer 28 Sep 2016 - 16:16

Bienvenue parmi nous OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 1663500128
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Kai Norton

Kai Norton
and all the devils are here

https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1335-kai-nom-d-un-anti-vi https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1336-kai-norton-on-roule-notre-bosse-ensemble#26900 https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t285-kai-norton-213-482-6262#2004 https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t286-kai-norton-kenor#2015
Date d'inscription : 28/08/2016
Messages : 1650
Pseudo : Nana / Ananas
Avatar : Adam Senn
Orientation sexuelle : Hétérosexuel(le)
Situation sentimentale : Célibataire

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 EmptyJeu 29 Sep 2016 - 12:18

POPOPO !!! J'ai hâte de voir ce personnage !! Tout ça m'a l'air bien intéressant OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 772520473 Bienvenue ! :)
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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 EmptySam 1 Oct 2016 - 17:42

Bienvenue parmi nous OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 2652270974
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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 2 Empty
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OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?

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