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 OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?

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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 3 EmptySam 1 Oct 2016 - 18:08

Mille fois oui pour ce choix OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 3 2229878663
Bienvenue parmi nous :heart:
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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 3 EmptyLun 3 Oct 2016 - 19:36

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Sacha Lewis

Sacha Lewis
and all the devils are here

https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1334-sacha-i-m-bulletproo https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1363-sacha-lets-be-clear-i-ll-trust-no-one https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t527-sacha-lewis-213-482-8615
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2016
Messages : 1552
Pseudo : Tik Tok
Avatar : Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Orientation sexuelle : Hétérosexuel(le)
Situation sentimentale : C'est compliqué

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 3 EmptyMer 5 Oct 2016 - 15:00

Bonjour toi. :heart:
Cela fait plus d'une semaine que tu as commencé ta présentation, il ne te reste donc que 7 jours pour terminer celle-ci suite à quoi nous serons dans l’obligation de te supprimer si ce n’est toujours pas fait. OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 3 1653131146  Si tu as besoin d'aide ou d'un délai n'hésite surtout pas à contacter un membre de l'équipe administrative qui se fera un plaisir de te répondre.  OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 3 2197326213

En espérant que tu reviennes vite parmi nous. OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 3 1797869442
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and all the devils are here

OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?   OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city? - Page 3 Empty

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OSMAN ▶ hey there Delilah, how is it like in New York city?

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