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 SHARON ROWELL ▶ "don't be weak and overcome difficulties"

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and all the devils are here

SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: SHARON ROWELL ▶ "don't be weak and overcome difficulties"   SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 EmptyLun 29 Aoû 2016 - 10:29

bienvenuuuuuue SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1306144126 bonne chance pour terminer ta fiche SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312
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and all the devils are here

SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: SHARON ROWELL ▶ "don't be weak and overcome difficulties"   SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 EmptyLun 29 Aoû 2016 - 10:36

Merci beaucoup Dani. :heart: :heart:
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Oscar Luccheti

Oscar Luccheti
and all the devils are here

https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t46-order-sensitivity-co http://le-kayak-broccoli.forumactif.org/t59-fiche-de-liens-oscar
Date d'inscription : 20/03/2016
Messages : 627
Pseudo : Feu Ardent
Avatar : Thom Morell
Orientation sexuelle : Homosexuel(le)
Situation sentimentale : Célibataire

SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: SHARON ROWELL ▶ "don't be weak and overcome difficulties"   SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 EmptyLun 29 Aoû 2016 - 11:29

Il me tarde aussi de RPer avec toi SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312
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Alice Collins

Alice Collins
and all the devils are here

https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t1372-alice-money-makes-h https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t273-alice-good-when-we-re-together https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t279-alice-213-547-0024 https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t671-alice-collins-alicemalice https://perfectdisorder.forumactif.org/t282-alice-collins-alicemalice#1933
Date d'inscription : 28/08/2016
Messages : 501
Pseudo : elea. // eugénie
Avatar : emily didonato
Orientation sexuelle : Bisexuel(le)
Situation sentimentale : Célibataire

SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: SHARON ROWELL ▶ "don't be weak and overcome difficulties"   SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 EmptyLun 29 Aoû 2016 - 11:30

Ton métier. SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908
Bienvenue parmi nous Sarah ! Bon courage pour ta fiche. SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 933260333
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and all the devils are here

SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: SHARON ROWELL ▶ "don't be weak and overcome difficulties"   SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 EmptyLun 29 Aoû 2016 - 15:29

Bienvenue sur LAPD ! :heart:
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and all the devils are here

SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: SHARON ROWELL ▶ "don't be weak and overcome difficulties"   SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 EmptyLun 29 Aoû 2016 - 20:31

J'ai cru vivre le plus improbable, le plus beau et le plus magique de tous les rêves possibles et imaginables... Puis j'ai cligné des yeux, et je me suis rendue compte que ce n'était pas un rêve, que c'était la réalité... Que tu étais MA réalité SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908

Que dire? Si ce n'est que j'ai hâte de te voir validée et que nous puissions faire évoluer notre relation plus fortement et plus puissament encore, qu'importe les difficultés et les problèmes que nous pourrons rencontrés au fil de nos aventures... J'ai juste hâte de pouvoir vivre ces nouvelles aventures auprès de MA femme SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 933260333 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 933260333 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1726316410 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1726316410 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2889249757 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2889249757

Tout ça pour te souhaiter la bienvenue, et pour t'encourager pour la fin de ta fiche, ainsi que pour ta validation, mi amore SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2047593811 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2047593811 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2047593811
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and all the devils are here

SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: SHARON ROWELL ▶ "don't be weak and overcome difficulties"   SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 EmptyLun 29 Aoû 2016 - 22:27

Je te souhaite la bienvenue sur LAPD. :heart:
J'espère que tu te plairas parmi nous ! SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1663500128 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 3796247097 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1507259222
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and all the devils are here

SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: SHARON ROWELL ▶ "don't be weak and overcome difficulties"   SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 EmptyLun 29 Aoû 2016 - 22:35

Alyssa SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 3305873184
Bienvenue SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312
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and all the devils are here

SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: SHARON ROWELL ▶ "don't be weak and overcome difficulties"   SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 EmptyMar 30 Aoû 2016 - 10:11

Bienvenue sur LAPD  SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 3134170382

Courage pour ta fiche de pres'  SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1865705636

Have fun sweetie  SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 974639939  :heart:
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and all the devils are here

SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 Empty
Sujet: Re: SHARON ROWELL ▶ "don't be weak and overcome difficulties"   SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 EmptyMar 30 Aoû 2016 - 22:02

Oscar Luccheti a écrit:
Il me tarde aussi de RPer avec toi SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312
Ca ne saurait tarder je pense! SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2197326213 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 952109363 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 974639939 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312

Alice Collins a écrit:
Ton métier. SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908
Bienvenue parmi nous Sarah ! Bon courage pour ta fiche. SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 933260333
Ce métier est un grand changement pour moi! A voir ce que cela donnera réellement, mais merci à toi!!! SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2197326213

Tobias Hammer-Antonelli a écrit:
Bienvenue sur LAPD ! :heart:
Merci beaucoup Tobias! :heart:

Jillian McKenna a écrit:
J'ai cru vivre le plus improbable, le plus beau et le plus magique de tous les rêves possibles et imaginables... Puis j'ai cligné des yeux, et je me suis rendue compte que ce n'était pas un rêve, que c'était la réalité... Que tu étais MA réalité SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908

Que dire? Si ce n'est que j'ai hâte de te voir validée et que nous puissions faire évoluer notre relation plus fortement et plus puissament encore, qu'importe les difficultés et les problèmes que nous pourrons rencontrés au fil de nos aventures... J'ai juste hâte de pouvoir vivre ces nouvelles aventures auprès de MA femme SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 933260333 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 933260333 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1726316410 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1726316410 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2889249757 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2889249757

Tout ça pour te souhaiter la bienvenue, et pour t'encourager pour la fin de ta fiche, ainsi que pour ta validation, mi amore SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2047593811 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2047593811 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2047593811
YOU!!!!! SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1865705636 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1865705636 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1865705636 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2584297093 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2584297093 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2889249757 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2889249757 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 904927882 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 904927882 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 904927882 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 904927882 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 904927882

Ce sont des yeux tout pétillants et le coeur sautillant contre ma poitrine qui se furent manifestés par ton beau et fabuleux message ma belle et tendre créature! SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312

J'ai hâte de pouvoir enfin et véritablement te retrouver tant tu me manques et tant j'ai besoin de toi de ma vie: ma destinée, mon futur, mon tout!!! SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1498042908 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 933260333 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 933260333

Harriet Lensie a écrit:
Je te souhaite la bienvenue sur LAPD. :heart:
J'espère que tu te plairas parmi nous ! SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1663500128 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 3796247097 SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1507259222
Merci beaucoup Harriet! Et je pense que je vais bien me plaire, je l'espère en tout cas. SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312 :heart: :heart:

Stan Reeves a écrit:
Alyssa SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 3305873184
Bienvenue SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312
Levine!! SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 3159414034 Je l'apprécie beaucoup pour ses musiques et le voir sur un forum, ça fait plaisir!
Merci à toi! SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2197326213

Michael R.-Rodehorst a écrit:
Bienvenue sur LAPD  SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 3134170382

Courage pour ta fiche de pres'  SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 1865705636

Have fun sweetie  SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 974639939  :heart:
Un énorme merci à toi, Michael!! SHARON ROWELL ▶  "don't be weak and overcome difficulties" - Page 3 2033325312
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and all the devils are here

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SHARON ROWELL ▶ "don't be weak and overcome difficulties"

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but all the devils are here